Licensee Frequently Asked Questions

If your question is not addressed or answered here; please email our office for additional information or questions.

    Where is the office located?

    1755 E. Plumb Lane Suite 252
    Reno, NV 89502
    Phone: (775) 687-9955
    Fax: (775) 786-4264

    Office hours: 

    Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
    The office is closed weekends, all State holidays and Board Meeting dates.

      I have my Nevada State Board of Massage therapy license. Do I need any other licenses to practice massage in Nevada?

      Contact your local business licensing department for any additional requirements they may have.

        I want to do massage from my home. Is this legal?

        You will need to contact your local business licensing department for any additional requirements they may have.

          May I put LMT (Licensed Massage Therapists) or MT (Massage Therapist) after my name?

          Under NRS 640C.910 – ONLY if you obtained a State of Nevada Massage Therapy License.

            Is cross gender massage legal in Nevada?

            Cross gender massage is legal in Nevada.

              Does Nevada have multiple tiered licenses?

              Yes, we currently offer massage therapy, structural integration practitioner and reflexologist.

                Are renewal forms available online?

                Yes, 90 days prior to your expiration date, a renewal form is sent to you electronically to your email on file. You can complete the renewal online along with submitting all CEU’s, photo and payment online.

                  Can I request to have my renewal form sent by mail instead of online?

                  Yes, you need to contact us by phone in order to request this option.

                    I need to change my email address.

                    Please email us at, with your name, license number, old email address (if known) and the new email address to update your file with.  We will update your email address and send a password reset.  Please note that the link to reset your password is only valid for about 24 hours.

                      Can you overnight my renewal license to me?

                      If you would like to provide a pre-paid self-addressed overnight envelope to our office, we will send your renewal license using that envelope.

                        How long does it take to process my renewal?

                        The processing of all renewals received can take up to 10 to 15 business days from the date received in our office. Renewals are processed in the order they are received.

                          Can I take my photo myself and use for my renewal?

                          Yes. Please make sure the photo has a solid white background showing at least 2 inches above your head and 2 inches below your chin. No sunglasses, hats or other objects blocking your face. No profile pictures cover shots, or glamour pictures will be accepted.

                            How many continuing education hours (CEH) do I need to renew my license?

                            Each renewal you will need to submit 24 CEH in order to renew your license. We will rollover up to 72 CEH over a 6 year period.

                              I took CEH courses more than two years ago; may I apply these CEH’s to my renewal?

                              No, the continuing education hours (CEH) that will be accepted are those that you acquired within the 24 months preceding your current renewal date.

                                I attended a Nevada State board of Massage Therapy Board Meeting. Can I receive continuing education hours for attending?

                                Yes, please complete the Continuing Education form, found here, or listed with the licensee forms on the website. Submit the form along with your renewal form and the appropriate fees. The sign in sheet must be verified and you will be given 1 hour of credit for every Board meeting with a maximum of 16 hours per two-year renewal period.

                                  Do I have to submit the original copy of my CEH certificate?

                                  No, a copy is accepted.

                                    When do I need to download a continuing education form?

                                    If you obtained CEH that are not certified by the NCBTMB, approved by the Commission on Postsecondary of Education, or taken at an institution of higher learning and/or within the University system. You will find the CEH forms under our Licensee Forms page on our website.

                                      I do not have the required CEH’s for my renewal. Where can I obtain CEH credits?

                                      We do not recommend or endorse any providers.

                                        Can I submit CEH that have been previously submitted?

                                        If you took Ethics in 2015 with a certificate date of 2015 and took ethics again in 2016 with a certificate date of 2016, you can submit the course for approval. You may not submit the course if you took Ethics in 2015 with a certificate date of 2015 and re-submit for 2016 with a certificate date of 2015. You must submit a new certificate for each year you completed an approved course.

                                          I lost my license, how do I get another one?

                                          Please visit the Licensee Forms page to locate the Replacement or Duplicate License Request (Duplicate License Affidavit) form. Please read the instructions, complete the form in its entirety and send to our office with the appropriate fees. The request will be processed within 10-15 business days from the date received in our office.

                                            I got married (divorced) and want to update my name on my license, what do I do?

                                            Please visit the Licensee Forms page to locate the Replacement or Duplicate License Request (Duplicate License Affidavit) form. Please read the instructions, complete the form in its entirety and send to our office with the appropriate fees. The request will be processed within 10-15 business days from the date received in our office.


                                              I moved and want my address changed on my license, what do I do?

                                              Please visit the Licensee Forms page to locate the Change of Address Request Form. Please complete the form in its entirety and send to our office. The request will be processed within 10-15 business days from the date received in our office.

                                                I moved but I do not want to change the address on my license. What do I need to do?

                                                You will need to update your mailing address for our records. A change of address form can be found on our website under the licensee tab. Send us the change of address form to our office via fax or U.S. Mail. This form can be faxed or mailed ONLY.

                                                You may also send us an email requesting to update your address. Please email us at and type your new address in the body of the email. Please DO NOT SEND the form AS AN ATTACHMENT.

                                                  I want to take some time off from practicing massage, what do I need to do?

                                                  Your license must be current when you submit by email, fax or mailing a letter requesting to go “inactive.” At that point, you will have 2 years to re-activate your license. When you plan to re-activate the fee is $100.00 plus the renewal cost which is currently $295.00 for a total of $395.00. If you re-activate within 1-24 months, you must submit the renewal form with your current 24 CEH’s and current photo. If you fail to reactive your license within 2 years, you must re-apply as a new applicant.

                                                    My license is expired. What do I need to do?

                                                    You must submit a renewal form, the appropriate fees and 24 CEH for each renewal period that you are expired and include $25.00 per month in late fees. The late fees will not exceed $500.00. If your license is expired for over 2 years you will be required to re-apply as a new applicant and pay the appropriate fees at that time. You will also have to submit an updated background check.

                                                      I want to transfer my license to another state. What forms do I need to complete?

                                                      You will need to check with the state in which you plan on practicing massage. Each state has different requirements; they will have a procedure that you will need to complete. We would suggest completing a verification of licensure request. This form can be found on our website and under the licensee forms section you will locate the licensure of verification request. Please read the instructions, complete the form in its entirety and send to our office with the appropriate fees. The request will be processed within 10-15 business days from the date received in our office.

                                                        Can I send you CEH certificates, photo, name change documents, or address change documents by email?

                                                        Unfortunately we are unable to open the attachments due to security reasons. Please mail or fax your documents. You can also upload to them your online renewal.

                                                          I plan to transfer my license to another state. Can I practice in that state with my NV license?

                                                          You are not able to use your NV license in another state. You will need to seek out licensing requirements in the state in which you plan to reside.